EP09-045 |
z pociągiem ekspresowym 3112 'Ernest Malinowski' z
Krynicy do Warszawy Wschodniej, wjeżdża na stację Nowy
Sącz. Jest to jedna z kilku lokomotyw, która (wtedy)
miała obniżoną prędkośc w związku z defektem
obręczy (06.07.1998). |
with an express train 3112 'Ernest Malinowski' from
Krynica to Warszawa Wschodnia, entering Nowy Sacz.
Probably the wheels had broken down and have been
replaced to old-type ones. Otherwise, that loco rather
wouldn't have hauled the train on Krakow-Krynica route,
where maximum speed is 120 kms/h, and between Tarnow and
Krynica isn't not more than 70-90 kms/h. And who was
Ernest Malinowski? He was the famous Polish engineer, who
projected and supervised the construction of the railroad
that crossed the mountains in Southern America - it's the
highest-placed railroad in the entire world till now
(July 06, 1998). |
z MT Kraków, z ekspresem 1311 'Ernest Malinowski' w
Nowym Sączu (17.07.1998). |
from Krakow Joint Depot, with the express train 1311
'Ernest Malinowski', entering Nowy Sacz (July 17, 1998). |
jako druga lokomotywa pociągu ekspresowego 1301 'Tatry'
z Warszawy Wschodniej do Zakopanego, który właśnie
wjechał do Chabówki. Co ważniejsze pociągi na linii
Kraków-Zakopane zostają wyposażone w lokomotywy na obu
końcach, by wyeliminować pracochłonne zmiany czoła w
Krakowie Płaszowie, Suchej Beskidzkiej i Chabówce
(19.07.1998). |
as the second locomotive of the express train 1301
'Tatry' from Warszawa Wschodnia (railway capitol of
Poland) to Zakopane (so-called mountain capitol of
Poland), in Chabowka. Another locomotive is coupled at
the end, to make all head-changes easier. The whole
problem is, that between Krakow Glowny and Zakopane, the
head of the train must be changed in Krakow Plaszow,
Chabowka, and Sucha Beskidzka, so the second locomotive
is usually coupled to higher-classified trains (like
this) in Krakow Plaszow and the rest of the route, the
engineer doesn't even have to go from one loco to
another, because the second loco is also provided with
the engineer. Isn't simple? (July 19, 1998). |
z z pociągiem IC 3501 'Lajkonik' zjeżdża do wagonowni
w Gdyni (25.12.2002). |
with IC 3501 'Lajkonik' going to car-shed in Gdynia
(December 25, 2002). |