pomiędzy obrotnicą a garażem wachlarzowym
Lokomotywowni Olsztyn. Lokomotywa ma zdjęte oznaczenia,
gdyż są one bardzo atrakcyjnym towarem dla złodziei. W
Lok. Olsztyn postąpiono tak ze wszystkimi nieużywanymi
lokomotywami (24.06.1998). |
near the roundhouse in Olsztyn Depot. Probably you
wonder, why you don't see any class letters or inventory
numbers. So, the answer is.. shocking. First of all,
neither SP47-001 nor 002 works, so it has been standing
here for a long time. Second, the class letters are made
of aluminium, and they are very attractive to thieves.
That's why the director of Olsztyn Joint Depot ordered to
take off all class letters from all locomotives that
aren't working (June 24, 1997). |