EU07-424 Locomotive Simulator
More details: Polska wersja
Note: this pages are not about Microsoft Train Simulator.
Important pages:
OpenGL graphics card is required as well as DirextX 7.0 or 8.0 installed
Operations manual can be found in README.
There is no radio confirmation of train departure; once the go signal is given you can begin driving.
CAUTION - the use of 1…9 keys is dependent on the scenery version.
This is ALPHA version with following limitations:
- Code is not optimized which may slow down the computer
- Obeying signals and rules is not enforced
- There is no collision detection
- There is almost complete lack of graphics, no traction lines
Simulator engine is not yet optimized. On Pentium II 400 and gForce graphics card it provides 60 frames per second. The simulator will most likely run on slower computers. There were some tests done on Pentium II 233 and RiviaTNTm64 graphics card. This gave 20 frames per second.
NOTE -speed of graphics is dependent on the graphics card as well as its drivers.
If there is someone out there who is willing to help with the creation of the simulator,
especially with the creation of graphics, s/he is welcome to do so.
There is also help needed with the route designs.
Marcin Wozniak, Maciej Czapkiewicz
Adam Lagoda, Olgierd Wiemann, Tom Gmyrek and others
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If there are any bugs, or if there are any questions, please check the mini-FAQ first!
You can view current simulator pictures as well as new version simulator pictures here.
English translation by:
Tomek Gmyrek
Josie Stewart
Last modify:
drivers was here since 1 June 2002.